ThinkUI SQL Client is designed for Java developers who needs to work with multiple databases and would like to a tool with features that will improve their productivity and help reduce the tedious nature of software development.
# Support any Java 1.4 or higher platform
# Support for selected databases using JDBC 2.0 and any database using JDBC 3.0
# Intuitive MDI user interface supporting multiple databases
# Generic data entry of all tables with picklist and zoom to related records support
# Database meta data browser (schemas, tables, views, sequences, indices, constraints, triggers, procedures)
# SQL Query (auto generate SQL create, select, insert, update queries from table meta data)
# Graphical user interface for executing stored procedures and viewing output parameters
# Data model Capture and customization (import from any database or Java code into internal database)
# Data import from flat file (Excel, CSV, and Tab delimited files supported)
# Custom code generation (Java Bean, DAO, Hibernate Mapping, SQL, EJB, JSP, etc. using Apache Velocity Engine templates and database meta data)
# Code generation can be perform interactively via a graphical user interface or in Batch using Apache Ant and custom tasks